The complex of the Leshok monastery includes the monastery church St. Athanasius from 1335, the church of the Holy Mother of God, which exists from the 13th century and is mentioned in the decree of Stefan Decanski from 1326, as well as the remains of five churches and chapels from the Middle Ages. The cultural and spiritual values of the church St. Athanasius are especially emphasized. In the monastery is the tomb and the memorial room of Kiril Pejcinovic, one of the greatest Macedonian revivers from the 19th century. With his coming from Sveta Gora in 1818, the monastery lodgings were restored and the monastery library was founded, so that the Leshok monastery grew into a literary and educational centre. It was repeatedly burnt and renewed several times. By 1960, the Turks destroyed the monastery and the church of the Holy Mother of God, and the monastery was severely damaged in 2001. By the assistance of the European Union, it was authenticly renewed again.